Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category

Hackfest 1101001

Wednesday, January 30th, 2008

Rainyday, both Martin and Alex biked

– cairo for python, but realized it’s not a good idea,
– wants bezier curves in pyglet,
– blueheat contract due friday,
– reading about serialization and javabeans
– reading about arc,
– asking dumb questions about dynamically typed haskells on freenode
– working weird bug in internet explorer,
– but then realized it’s the same bug,
– has emacs modes for R (the statistical language) and Octave
– rebuilt her desktop machine (lightning)
– reading hofstadter,
– got excited about gödel numbers, which Alex is meta-excited about
– played with arc,
– very likely that he’ll be in california in 3 weeks,
– may work for xobni for a month (“they’re hot shit, it’s social networking for your boss”
– making paypal and ebay accounts
– sent email to adviser about resuming GA Tech education,
– sometimes trims his beard (mark doesn’t),
– may dye it white and pretend to be old
– drinking tea,
– nothing extrordinary this week

Hackfest 1100111

Wednesday, January 16th, 2008

        contract with blueheat,
        their development process is scary,
        wrote python code to solve a scheduling problem
        showing off gwt google code wiki, now non-secret,
        is going to Portland this weekend
        refactored Mused such that it should be easier to add new features
        (not software features, but audo features),
        wants to submit a paper to ICMC, needs a good idea
    Erik:, looking at php weather,
        has converted to distributed version control!! (git)
        used craigslist to find housemates, all were human,
        writing haskell to play slitherlink
        maintaining choices quilts code,
        JDBC, System.out.println
        doing the home-owner’s association thing,
        trying to avoid becoming corrupt
        ga state is ok,
        first day was rough, trouble getting back home,
        no marta money, phone dead, had erik’s keys

bcnhack 1

Sunday, October 7th, 2007

2 Oct 2007 – more bcn solo-hacking

Since Last Week:
-worked on Chuck sharing website, got demo running

This Week:
-building a running prototype, got db connection, need to add file upload

Hackfest 1010101 Mortem

Tuesday, August 28th, 2007

28 August 2007 – table of four + three

flashbacks from mark and drew’s technical comm class

new person – Tyrus of "giant steps" fame
he is a designer, works for hakano / appcelerator
freelance projects, does a lot of painting, paints portraits
currently working on a digital download system for independent musicians

Ryan (Alex’s friend from Tallahasee) is here,
 moving to Toronto tomorrow morning, MS->PhD in medieval studies UToronto

Humza is also here, talking on the phone

Since Last Meeting-
Sonali- getting stuff ready to move into a house. going to London soon.
Tejus- data warehousing, creating a database with different time-slices.
Stuart- went to Las Vegas to visit father, worked on concept album for the "kids"
 worked on a new program, make robots that download public financial data to do stock market research. going to build it in Java, going to use sight, orig., for bioinformatics + SP500, then extract useful information.
 expects to have something in a month. going to call it stock monkey
Graham- met with Alex Rae, who will present my paper in Copenhagen
Drew- wants to build a templated chuck music on demand
 trying to implement a wire level language agnostic protocol for secure rpc
fixning problems in jsp scripts
Mark- hiked the appalachian trail, 140 miles. eight bears, blackberries and blueberries
 focus on water, alternation water filter, iodine, and boiled

Devin- is back from Boston and the YCombinator experience
 apparently met Stephen Wolfram, going ahead with his company
 seems to be excellent for generating absurd animations

Scott Driscoll- made his first sale on curiousinventor-
Alex- played with fluxus, may be hard to setup
 started messing with impromptu, stopped sending media events
 might work on one laptop per child, excited about it

This Week’s Plans-
Sonali- catching up on email from Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts
Tejus- trying to keep smart phone sync’ed up with computer
 trying to use "the missing sync", an OSX utility
Stuart- working on "ready for the show"
 about how life sucks and we all are going to die, but you should enjoy the show
Graham- document known bugs in Mused, attempt to fix them
Mark- talk with people about music project, go running

addendum: we bought the server for atlhack-colo

Hackfest 1010011 Mortem

Tuesday, August 14th, 2007

14 August 2007 – ridiculous visa

Since Last Week-
Mark- played around in nodebox, made dueling arrows
looked for houses in Decatur, found potential something
read a book about the founder of Patagonia – Let My People Go Surfing
they trace all of their products
played around with angles in nodebox
Alex- made a thing for the secret project
usability fix for the Google Web Toolkit
read rant ‘the kingdom of nouns’
reading Foundations of Security
Graham- completed papers for a student visa
Stuart- working hard to get results for a conference submission tonight
Robert- helped Paul prepare for laptop battle

This week’s plans-
Mark- going to make an openGL shapes thing in Haskell
Alex- going to make an animation in fluxus
Graham- going to make something interesting in supercollider
Stuart- going to double check the results for the submissions
Robert- researching equipment for the laptop battle finals

Hackfest 1010010 Mortem

Tuesday, August 7th, 2007

7 August 2007 – big group

Since Last Week-
Mark- got IOBluetooth package to load in GHCi, trying to get hsc3 to work
Bill- broke his amp, driver circuit failed after new tubes, may require redesign
 got a Magnatone amp, it has a frequency modulation (vibrato) circuit
 it also has a HUM1 and HUM2 – reversing between ground and liveline – a death switch
Rob- took a trip to Seattle. recorded a song cycle from the Northwest corner.
 have been working on video editing, working on rap tracks.
Stuart- recorded two songs with Rob, first successful measurement
 immersed in water with a certain concentration of chemical, sensors reported a gradient
 in liquids its much harder because the polymers are shifted around by the solution
Alex- went to Google, came back, have been digging in docs about unit testing and security
 wants to be invulnerable to cross-site scripting
Miriam- moved to Athens, it almost looked like a house, but there might be CO
 going to join Theory reading group – Dialogic Imagination by Bakhtin – the novel is often changing
Graham- gave a performance at Parkgrounds, wrote a song with Amanda

This Week’s Plans-
Rob- document the meeting with his camera, review recordings
Mark- trying to get IOBluetooth to work correctly in Haskell
Bill- reading Stumbling into Happiness, Daniel Gilbert
Stuart- hanging out and discussing music
Alex- going to be stylin’ his GWT app with a Hello World
Miriam- reading Bakhtin
Graham- going to work on ChucK music timing, prepare for performance tomorrow

Hackfest 1001010 Postmortem

Wednesday, May 30th, 2007

29 May 2007 – everybody was sad in middle school

Mark is listening to Amadou et Miriam – the blind couple from Mali
mesons – groups of two quarks, baryons – groups of three
flavors – up, down, top, bottom, strange, charm

Since Last Time-
Erik- company didn’t go public. will implement memcache. amazon ec2 – virtual hosting API.
Alex- getting ready for summer camp.
 -learned Scratch– it’s obvious, least astonishment, can make complex animations.
 -doesn’t give you structured procedures as in logo.
Graham- added ChucK export to Mused.
Jason- qaboom may be bought by inquus.
Will- knees undergoing cellular reconstruction. helped build a pergola.
 -read The Long Tail, would recommend it for a quick read.
 -Why Google is important, Amazon vs B&N, etc.
Mark- made triangle grids with the wrong irrational numbers.

Will- going to write Excel sheet for aiding irrigation system design. reading Brief History of Time.
Erik- finishing his coffee and going home.
Graham- will add a configurable range filter for loudness. ask UI advice.
Jason- is giving a demo tomorrow, will work on his codebase.
Mark- will fix his triangle grids of different sizes.
Alex- package up last release of JES. bug free trademark.

Hackfest 1000011 Postmortem

Tuesday, April 10th, 2007

10 April 2007 – jason plays urban grind (canon in D and "take a load off annie")

Miriam- going to grad school. a nanny. freelance editor for Peachtree Publishing.
 want to analyze contemporary feminist literature to save the world.
 treatment of women in 3rd world companies and cognitive information problems.

Since Last Week-
Graham- new ChucK music. sent out call for participation.
Jason- played at the Urban Grind. will work on Qaboom for a month.
 going to take GRE and apply for grad school.
 new idea- Jowster- site for live debates.
 met French people through Tina
Tejus and Sonali- launched
 links worked, content on every page
Mark- made awesome arrows, went to Chicago.
Will- told the qaboom story. Jason will roll out the beta.
Alex- wrote up the typos stuff. catch 25% of all typos, generalizing across users.
 added jAudio to SWIMM.
 peter norvig’s latest post predicted his paper:

For Tonight-
Graham- work on research proposal for music editor.
Tejus- working on Scram blog. human procurement of 2.0 talent.
Sonali- still looking for a job. facebook has bugs for being married!
Mark- going to make Frank Lloyd Wright stained glass
Alex- doing some stuff on JES.

Senior Seminar / Final Quarter Final Chapter

Friday, March 16th, 2007

It’s not final until I have a diploma bearing the Terminator’s name, but I’m pretty sure I graduated.

Senior Seminar:
Finished my paper, and turned it in on Wednesday. I have no more to do for that class.

Real Analysis:
I need to study for my final on Tuesday, but it shouldn’t be a very difficult test.

Some more study is needed, but I will do fine.

I’m glad to be finishing.

Senior Seminar / Final Quarter Chapter 5

Tuesday, February 20th, 2007

Senior Seminar:
I’ve been looking at Virtanen’s PhD. thesis, and I checked out some books on machine learning.
If anyone has any recommendations for machine learning, or AI  books please send them along.

Real Analysis:
47/50 on the Midterm. I’m doing well so far. This last homework has been difficult but I am going to office hours tomorrow.

Still ruling.