These are notes from December 11th. This week (December 18th) most of us didn’t go to Octane, but Jordan and Rob did go, and drew comics. (Maybe they
– was “hacking from home”
– added features to save your game and enter your name in roy-wip
– got the ps controller talkin’ to processin’
– made aliases for all the buttons
– installed Mono then dicked around on the internet
– took two finals today: Abstract Vector Spaces, and Languages and Computation
– reading fictional arpanet chat
– documenting Arduino spectrogram project
– video and blog post coming soon
– experimenting with iMovie documentary template (looks like a cool interface for helping a novice user arrange their videos)
– loading color palettes from ColourLovers into his Spotify app
– saving to AppEngine web service via JavaScript
– now just need to make the interface prettier, then it’s releasable