Archive for October, 2010

weekend bloominghacks!

Monday, October 11th, 2010

Hacking in Bloomington!

I’ve been helping Eric H a bit on a paper about training classifiers for webspam detection (sort of a “how to do machine learning for your security problem” paper), and I was supposed to write about Naive Bayes classifiers. It occurred to me that I’d never implemented one.

So I did! It’s straightforward, because naive classifier is naive.

Also, I did a bit of hacking on Snippets, which is like weekly atlhack notes for people’s non-side projects. It’s up and running, and some people at Indiana are even using it! As of last night, it sends weekly reminders to people, so they’ll remember to update (these are opt-in).

*hugs from the frozen north*
— alexr

Not very Hacky-hack

Tuesday, October 5th, 2010

The Atlhack tradition continues, though we’ve become less disciplined about documenting our adventures. This lack of discipline also means that we tend to hack less, and chat/homework more.

Can honor be restored to this land? Tune in next week to see our heros attempt to resurrect ancient and mythical side-projects…

– homework time: matlab + least squares approx + economic research methods
– attended SIEGE
– building memory-tar-pit-organizer-game
Mark & Stuart
– chatting about startup possibilities
– chatting with Hamza & Dustin
– attended SIEGE
– writing article for the technique
– online math homework