Archive for December, 2006

Hackfest 101110.1 Postmortem – Blast from the past.

Friday, December 15th, 2006

Its late and Graham owes me a punch in the stomach, but I hope this is a case of better late than never!  From 8-17-2006

This Past Week:


  • Try to use more sample in chuck environment in preparation for a Laptop Battle.
  • Started some work towards a collaborative chuck site.


  • Borrowed a twiddler and had some fun. — Hopefully the arm is much better now?


  • Some PVR work with mythtv.

That Night…

Alex and Graham:

  • A refocus on research.
  • Determine some mechanisms to test whether the application is choosing good sequences.


  • Some webserver configuration to make services accessible from the office. Specifically I installed and started using Anyterm.

Hackfest 110101 Mortem

Thursday, December 14th, 2006

14 December 2006 – dj night again!

new member profile:
Jason Ho – – Question and answer community for colleges
– ie "how to change folder colors in unix terminal, top five roadtrip movies, risks of eating preservatives, lucky buddha on 10th street hit or miss"
Ti calculator community- Alien Invation – Legend of Zelda clone
went to Small Business Administration today for startup advice
They suggest you start with a partnership agreement.

He added admin area to his site this week.
Tonight he’s doing formatting for the tag browsing

Jason learned from working out-
he finds that you plateau for muscle groups- switching activities helps you mitigate this.

learned Hirigana- lifted rubberized weights at SAC.
Implemented decision trees.
Will do a flickr photo presentation, and a shapes livecoding at New Year’s Eve.
Playing with idea of physical sorters, decision trees.

will build a webapp for
rapid rails prototyping – friend Nick will be doing design
upload pictures of people sitting on chairs
(Seth Godin– internet marketing god according to Erik)

Worked on different variation techniques in chuck.
Registered for new music project.
Tony liked my CD!

atlHack Meeting Spot in CNN/Money

Saturday, December 9th, 2006

Octane Coffee, atlHack’s weekly meetup spot, is mentioned on CNN’s website as a spot for startups to woo investors.  atlHack has never had any formal association with Octane, but its been a consistently good place (which has never thrown us out :-D) to meet up and talk about trendy tech.

Atlanta Startup Links

Saturday, December 9th, 2006

I’m currently busy in Colorado, but I haven’t forgotten about the ATL.  I just found some new Atlanta startup oriented resources:

This brings up something which has been eating at my brain for a while now… why is Georgia Tech not more involved in startups?  Is it a lack of faith in their people?  Are they not aware of the possibilities?  Have there been a lot of failures in the past?  Maybe its the lack of substantial venture capital in the southeast.  Even from Colorado, I can see that Atlanta is more up-and-coming than most people realize… its time for Tech to get involved.

Hackfest 110101 Postortem

Friday, December 8th, 2006

Thursday 7 Dec 2006 – alone with the soul

There were djs here playing soul music and the lights were down low.
Graham was here alone tonight, he worked on a new chapter of his cheesy chuck tutorial.
The new chapter examines variation techniques for livecoding.

Hackfest 110100 Postortem

Friday, December 1st, 2006

30 Nov 2006 – more livecoding evangelism

roster- Mark, Alex, his student Zach, Jason Ho, Puyan, cognitive scientist person
also met Chap (programmerer of PCI cards for small broadcast company) and Ed (web programmerer) and gave Tony a demo

Jason is working on a cool question/answer collaboration site. And wants to do a music collaboration site with inline editing.
Puyan is working on cross-domain authentication in J2EE.
Zach will work on computational algebra systems.