New Member: Dan
– industrial engineering student at tech
– building an app for airline scheduling
– asking about jsp,php,java,ruby-on-rails
– working on a reading aid for ADD folks
– displays a file and highlights groups of words at a time
– – to prevent distraction
– – it’s written in swing
– – based on ideas from a speed-reading app
– worked on server config for choices-quilts
– installed ruby on centos 4
– working on the new rails version of choices-quilts
– having trouble with the “will_paginate” plugin
 – went to my college reunion in Iowa
– – saw family, saw friends, saw Alex, video blogged about it
 – learned about the law of “conservation of ream” from my Harvey Mudd
alum housemate
 – won NaRoRuMo 2008
 – finally making headway on SICP again; end of chapter 1 in sight
– being quiet
– working on apparent (the apartment finder)
– going to keep the birthdate of the craigslist posts
– – rather than repull listings from the database at each step
– researching datetime formatting and parsing
– – found a bunch of libraries in python/perl/javascript
– is going to write some code for parsing English text
– – representing repeated date events (like, every Tuesday from 8 to midnight)
– maintaining code, yay?
– working on the jython-in-an-applet-talking-to-javascript project
– – can call from js to applet, and back
– – but keeps getting security exceptions
Other people at Octane: Humza, Ashok, Ashok’s brother (Alok), Samir, Alice, Mike, Dan
Alok is taking the JES class with Monica Sweat
Discovered that Ashok (and Alok) are not Indian, but Nepali