Archive for September, 2009

First Day of Autumn 2009

Wednesday, September 30th, 2009

Intended to work on Processing, instead wrote Japanese, including mysterious essay ending, talked with Mark about the technology of cinema. Wearing a threadless hoodie.
Browsed papers from “Artifical Life” journal, hacked on his Processing server project, talked with Dustin about traditional animation tweening notation. Wearing a holey sweater.

Hacking in Bloomington

Tuesday, September 29th, 2009

Lindsey is writing some OCaml, evaluating lambda calculus expressions. “Also known as programs!”, she adds.

Alex is learning numpy and using it to model some Markov processes. It’s for an NLP class, but the use of numpy is totally gratuitous. He keeps meaning to autogenerate some bad poetry.

Happy hacking, ATL and Bay Area hackers!

Atlhangout 09

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

Lots of old friends, a little bit of hacking como es la pastilla de viagra.

Jason Ho is back in town from Taipei, will be moving to Silicon Valley in a few months.
Puyan Lotfi is back from Microsoft/Seattle, doing a Master’s Degree in CS at GT.
The Reverend Emily Case is hanging out and writing a sermon.
Sonali had eye surgery and Tejus will soon. Their company is having trouble.

Puyan also brought along fellow Master’s students, who are hacking on a Knowledge-Base AI detective problem.
And the usual suspects, Mark and Rob are hanging out and maybe writing some interactive fiction.

Bloominghack: 09/08/2009

Tuesday, September 8th, 2009

Tonight: a bunch of kids from the CS department out at Soma Coffee
near Downtown Bloomington.

– polishing up his latex skills
– doing some R
– reading Statistics book
– (ok, this is all for class; should be doing a side project…)

– reading about intelligent agents in Russell and Norvig
– answering student questions for B521 (

Andy (another IU CS Ph.D student):
– Working on a related works section for a paper on a Ruby-based
compiler toolkit (RubyWrite) and reading about those related systems.

Also present: Ben, Mark, Christine, Rebecca, and Wren.

Hackfest 10100001

Tuesday, September 1st, 2009

– hacking interactive fiction with Inform
– going to make a game where you fall asleep to go back in time

– writing some Processing code for school
– went to the Freeside meeting and got my keycard