Archive for August, 2010

provisional sunday afternoon meeting

Sunday, August 22nd, 2010

22 August 2010 – hacking in Octane, 2:20 Sunday afternoon

present are Mark and Graham
Matt, who is in the last year of ugrad, who makes experimental recordings, and who wants to move to Brazil, is our barista.
we met Brandon, who is involved in a lot of ATL startup culture, who is doing some integration with SalesForce, also he is an award winning area debate coach.

since last week:
Mark- came back from Disney in Burbank, CA, where he worked on technology intern and he should publish sometime soon.
He is readjusting to ATL humidity after being in the LA desert.
Graham- participated in classyHack, (see notes here), where I worked on formulating convex problems.

this meeting’s plans:
Mark- some kind of NPR edge thickness based on shading. Hopes to finish the rendering and make images.
Graham- will start with some odd tasks for administration, then install Matlab and try to hack in CVX into his superposition mosaicing.

to remember: Kunst Haus in Graz.

this meeting’s reality:
Graham- chatted, wrote email to boss, booked a flight for DAFx ’10 in Graz.
Mark- wrote some Processing Java for detecting and shading silhouettes, currently debugging.


updates: Puyan is here, we’re talking about his upcoming semester.
he brought some screwdrivers for replacing a hard drive in his machine…
he mentioned hudson for build managing?
(possibly re-)discovered palindrome: meh, ahem
Rob looked for the blood on the first release of the Snow Leopard’s lips.
apparently there is a Freeside meeting on Tuesday.

challenge: Macro this picture and post it as a comment!

Graham: installing Matlab dependencies for my mosaicing code.
update: hooray! my code still works.

food related:
Vicky shared fried pickles with us (earlier).

We made a fruit salad from dragonfruit, lychee, and papaya.
We also made a stir fry with tofu, baby bok choy, and garlic shoots.
Bill and Rob are here from tasting Pauley’s chili at rush!

classyHack (Athens) trial meeting

Thursday, August 12th, 2010
Athens Hack Trial Meeting – 8pm 9 August 2010 – Trappeze
names: classicHack? classyHack?
present: Kelly, Graham, Marilyn
Kelly wants to join because he wants to congregate with other free-time programmers.
Marilyn is founding this chapter.
Graham is here to participate in the pre-first trial meeting.
Bo is here! He came to hang out with us!
since last week:
Graham: installed cvx and l1_ls on his Matlab installation.
Kelly: not much.
Marilyn: downloaded something on BitTorrent. worked problem 1 on Project Euler in Python (she is the first marilyn).
this week’s plans:
Marilyn: make a basic webform for posting to her website without ssh. and do another project Euler problem.
Kelly: no laptop tonight. If he had a laptop he would fix the fade in/out until all resources loaded.
Graham: compare and verify cvx and l1_ls with a simple numerical example.
this week’s reality:
Kelly: drew an awesome graphed out Rip-em off Dan.
Graham: wrote solvers.m that produces equal results for l1-regularized non-negative least squares problems, and adds a few linear terms using CVX.
Marilyn: almost done with script, got the HTML, just have to finish the CGI perl.

Athens Hack Trial Meeting – 8pm 9 August 2010 – Trappeze

Marilyn (mmm) is starting a group in Athens! She hasn’t started to invite people yet, we just scoped out a possible venue, a downtown pub called Trappeze. (if you are in Athens and want to join, leave a comment or drop us a line!)

names: classicHack? classyHack? ASS? (Athens Segfault Society, contributed by Bo)

present: Kelly, Graham, Marilyn

Kelly (his site) wants to join because he wants to congregate with other free-time programmers.
Marilyn is founding this chapter.
Graham is here to participate in the pre-first trial meeting.
Bo is here! He came to hang out with us!

since last week:

Graham: installed cvx and l1_ls on his Matlab installation.
Kelly: not much.
Marilyn: downloaded something on BitTorrent. worked problem 1 on Project Euler in Python (she is the first marilyn).

this week’s plans:

Marilyn: make a basic webform for posting to her website without ssh. and do another project Euler problem.
Kelly: no laptop tonight. If he had a laptop he would fix the fade in/out until all resources loaded.
Graham: compare and verify cvx and l1_ls with a simple numerical example.

this week’s reality:

Graham: wrote solvers.m that produces equal results for l1-regularized non-negative least squares problems, and adds a few linear terms using CVX.
Marilyn: almost done with script, got the HTML, just have to finish the CGI perl.
Kelly: drew an awesome graphed out Rip-em off Dan.

southern_drawl(I have always depended upon the flexibility of data abstraction.”);