Archive for December, 2010

quick and cold (18 degree) hack!

Tuesday, December 14th, 2010

marilyn: almost done with a little cgi to post to my website
kelly: embedding a font in his flash adventure game

We’ll probably take a hiatus here in Athens for these coming holiday weeks — hope everyone has some great ones!

Bloominghack at 8 degrees F

Wednesday, December 8th, 2010

Greetings from the frozen north!

– fixing Ubuntu install on the netbook (video drivers for Poulsbo chipset keep getting screwed up)
– thinking about what to do for the Spring — brainstorming research projects for machine translation with limited resources, mailing professors asking them to be on my committee, wibbling about classes
– should be hacking on the verbs project, because it got accepted to MTML workshop!
– over the weekend: hacking on the Snippets project

– furiously reading for quals: going to be a qualified phd candidate in just over a week!

– reading a paper about Blame (correct attribution of type errors in dynamic languages): “blame assignment for dependent contracts”. Ask her or Lindsey or sstrickl what that means?
– thinking about contributing to NLTK

Preparing-to-hack Hack

Wednesday, December 1st, 2010

Kelly and I got together for the second inaugural ClassyHack here in Athens, but both had some preliminary tasks to address:


– Downloading XCode for an app beyond the Hello World aka Happy Birthday Dad app I made for my dad’s birthday


– Working on an old laptop to see if it’s usable
– Debating netbook purchase

We’ll probably have one or two more informal meetings in the next month and then start up a little more epically with the start of the new year generico de viagra. A few other people have expressed interest — one a friend of mine who randomly met Alex and Mark at a wedding in Atlanta a few months ago and got started talking about Ruby.

Speaking of weddings, add to the above agenda: we also talked about the awesomeness of Alex’s recent engagement!