Archive for the ‘A Boring Default’ Category

Hackfest 10100 Mortem

Tuesday, February 7th, 2006

2 Feb 2006 – Hackfest 10100

Since Last Week:
-Got basic SchemePong working with user input.
-Used Event class to synchronize several ChucK melodies.
-Learning fuse, a library for user space filesystems. (in anticipation of the Revisionist fs)
-Setting up an LDAP for directory service.

This Week:
-Work on UI stuff, and scripting it with scheme, generating it with XUL.
Working on improving backups with AMANDA.
-Going to play with Opie, the Open Palmtop Integrated Environment.
-Getting OSC-pd to talk to ChucK.
-Fix the SWIMM UI.

played with
Not much luck getting OSC working in pd on win32. Vinny suggested using JavaOSC.

Hackfest 10011 Mortem

Thursday, January 26th, 2006

26 January 2006

What we did tonight:
Grant – reviewed EvWar code – Java vs. ObjC
Vinny – *wink* "Made funny faces."
Luke – Working with Sisc. Brainstormed ideas for user space filesystems. Revisionist File System, or SchemeFS.
Stephen – Learned ChucK.
Mike – Worked on a paper.
Graham – Demo’ed ChucK and experimented.

College Searching w/ Google Maps Interface

Thursday, October 27th, 2005

Notes so far:

A few simple use cases:

1) Me
Looking for a masters program:
Search/sort by:
Geographic Region,
Size of the City,
Ranking of the School

2) Ben
Goes to the site because "its cool". Expects:
Get the map
Ranking slider bars
Numbered or lettered according to ranking, if there is one
Search for the city / name, sort based on proximity
Certain sized school
Update dynamically

3) Graham
Looking for a phd program:
Search/sort using:
quality of teaching
how published / cited people are
Specifics: program keyword searches ("computer audio", etc)
Size of the city, culture of the city

4) Titus

Looking for a grad program:
Major Specializations
Admission requirements
Average GRE
Number of students
Religious/Political Affiliations
Number of plublications (Impact factor)
If there are "out of state" benefits
Regional Weather (how cold it is)
Extracurricular activities
USNews rankings
Tiers / Risk Minimization

class size
Average GPA
Internet Connectivity / Most Wired / Restrictions (OS, Firewalls)

A "Good" search result: 20
Search by "course", like "Semiconductors"
Computing Platform
Research groups
vocational vs theory
buildings vs trees
city vs town

Where they go after school:
Grad programs
Companies (colleges that recruiters visit)

Component: Map

Monday, September 26th, 2005

The map represents the city in which the game takes place. It will comprise all of the physical objects in the game.



the map is divided into sections. Each section is a large visible area. One section is loaded into memory at a time, this being the section where the player resides. The current section has the focus for computations for character activity.


The Section is divided into arbitrary quanta called cells. Each cell represents the perceptural area for each character inside it. Each character can “see objects in the cell. Nothing else exists except what the character “remembers.”


Each cell can contain a number of objects. An object is any physical thing in the environment. Objects can include buildings, walls, trees, and so on. The cell also has references to moveable items and characters that are inside. An object has a reference to a mesh and a texture for drawing. Also, whether the object is solid or not is stored.

Programming Reference

Monday, September 5th, 2005

Emacs Refcard