Very few lines of code were written tonight, but several outlandish game mechanics were proposed, and wispy ghost tails were drawn. Discussion topics below.
hiring programmers (it’s hard to gauge qualifications without meeting in person), svg (it’s great, David is using it for a map)
“how many people have never seen an iPhone?” (who knows man? somewhere between one and five billion)
“what does the ghost of a tractor look like?” (wispy tail, transparent, angular? smooth? abstract? who knows?)
dogpark finder app, instagram, zynga (“the only reason we’re talking about them is because they had lucky timing and a big exit”)
“they don’t want to advance, they want to have an aesthetic experience” (re: ultima online folks role-playing as “boring” characters)
i wanna be the guy, super meat boy, battle girl (indie games)
“mario [physics] is earth, everything else is too floaty or … whatever” (anchoring effect)
Present: Mark, Erik, David, Jordan, Rob, Vinny
Also, Karthik and Jon were at Octane talking about video game reverse engineering before Atlhack. I caught the end of their conversation.