Mark-and-Diana-go-to-Austin hack

January 27th, 2015 by Mark Luffel

  – playing a lot of roller derby, bruised in interesting ways
  – preordered a drum machine on the internet (by teenage engineering)
  – learning about common lisp
  – reading CL-PPCRE and Ironclad source code to get an idea of good CL style
  – game jammed last weekend: Team of Jams: MMXV
  – tonight: trying to make a Mac .app of the game, but stymied
  – trying to make sense of the data he compiled about his health and diet
  – ordered stationary for getting married
  – fixed a bug in his ray/voxel traversal code

New Years Eve Eve Hack

December 30th, 2014 by graham

30 Dec 2014 – Octane


Since Last Time-

Stuart – spent a lot of time reviewing papers, lots of very incremental research that should be tech report.

Vinny – trying to understand protocol buffers, a bin serialization format pop by Google (and in Common Lisp)

Mark – worked on NodeGraph editor, looked at Mohlenkamp (sum of separable function decom)

Jordan – made Rollerderby team, learning Ember – framework for JS frontends – angular- one big request and lots of little API updates, still in flux.

Rob – built an Arduino thing with a knob – Metropolis scene where the human responds to the clock, digital counter to count number of times. always something else to respond to. learned soldering and Arduino.

Xana – new!, learning pastry chef, have done puppet shows, and crafts and arch knowledge

Diana – sold a scarf, had the flu, learned how to knit.

Graham – finished subjective mosaicing audio experiment, did lots of plots of the data.

Plan this Time-

Xana – working on script for show that will debut in April (Lina und die Sperlinge).

Mark – play in Mathematica with function approximation. sketched curves that he drew will be approximated.

Vinny – gonna serialize and find a schema for image data and image data requests.

Jordan and Rob – draw dogs Tuesday with Paper (mac). Brian Lee makes comics proclaimed it.

Graham – trying brutal optimization on score building process. when making score, consider only local neighborhoods of parameters, when making new tracks, try a sampled subset of source positions.
mark suggests progressive rendering (first patches of pixels, then images)

Stuart – matlab issues, how to code pitch-synchronous overlap and add.

Diana – working on website and social media

What happened-

Mark – didn’t get func approx., has a transformation, add a wiggle to it. copying velocity and rotating velocity by a sine curve

Stuart – listened to music and reviewed Hamiltonian mechanics – why? entropy is fascinating and mechanics answers it.

Jordan and Rob – fashion dog is one of 8 dogs (4 each), will send fashion dog

fashion dog

fashion dog

Diana – changed the design of website, erased text, tweeted about Splinter and vegan taxidermy

Xana – added two written songs to the script, wrote 4 scene descriptions, organized the script by color

Graham – introduced stubs for computing a square subset of correlations.

Vinny – figured how to do union types to have one message for (update/data). protocol buffers don’t really have official union type, just optional fields. have to enforce that only one thing is set (or new feature: only one)

Ronnie James Dio Hack

June 18th, 2014 by Mark Luffel

– made a ronnie james dio lyrics generator
– writing shaders for gpu programming class
– making prototypes of level designs for a game about a robot
– writing more llvm
– learning phi nodes and SSA form

Robot-Drive-LLVM Hack

June 11th, 2014 by Mark Luffel

– writing Unity code for robot motion in a game prototype
– – robot picks up items in the world and gains abilities from them
– hard drive failure :'(
– was planning to learn some haskell tonight
– learning llvm
– walking through “IR is better than assembly”

D3-Fluids-Games-Bonds Hack

June 4th, 2014 by Mark Luffel

– Doing a lot of d3.js at work
– Reading about her toe numbness (caused by practicing for roller-derby)
– Wrote some of his thesis on fluid simulation and control
– Figuring out how to get a visa once he graduates (lots of complications)
– Homework for “Video Game Design” and “GPU Programming”
– Encoding graph of bonds in anthraquinone and graphene (for the Freeside Programming Team)
Jordan and Rob:
– A critical reading of “Gymkata” and “John Carter

Roblox Free Unlimited Robux and Tix

Occult Egg Slicer Hack

April 15th, 2014 by Mark Luffel

– working on Lume
– won two awards at the Convergence Innovation Conference
(for a live audio captioning app for Google Glass)
– tonight, grading Computer Audio projects
– reading twitter and showing us occult websites (
– learning about domain mapping and HTTP redirects
– buying an egg slicer
– generating nonsense images and text in Processing

April 2014

April 8th, 2014 by Mark Luffel

Another hack report! We remember to post updates sometimes! Tonight is a night that we remembered to post to the blog. Here it goes:
– Installing GameMaker
– Going through tutorial on low-poly game art: “How to make cool stuff in Unity
– Low-poly game art in SketchUp
– Found that tutorial that Rob’s going through
– Updating her website to include design work (not just photography)
– Minimum spanning trees in Processing this weekend
– Texture synthesis via randomized graph traversal in Mathematica (as in “Painting by Features“)
– Recently: GStreamer to capture slit-scans of trains moving past his apartment
– Cocos3D for viewing photos

Puzzlescript and NaNoGenMo hack

November 5th, 2013 by Mark Luffel

We haven’t posted in a while, but we’re still hacking!

Tonight was Jordan, Rob, Mark. Vinny has been joining us regularly too.

Recently we’ve been doodling, reading The Baffler, writing Puzzlescript, plotting for NaNoGenMo, making comparatr and incomparatr, playing at Nophest 2013 as Blanca Noche, writing a scripts for a communal streaming music server, resurrecting the Atlhack server.

We had a visitor, Kiril, who knows Atlhackers (Mark, Vinny, and Karthik) via David Stolarsky (because they went to UIUC together. Kiril writes code at Weather Channel, and previous collected behavioral data at Yerkes Primate Center.

hang out and chat hack!

June 12th, 2013 by alexr

Tuesday night!

Participants: Mark, Alex, Vinny

Topics discussed:
– languages and the future thereof
North Sentinel Island
– business plans
– starting a bar called The Trading Floor, where prices on beer floats based on market forces. For extra credit, make it so that bar patrons can also sell beer, and you have to run around all furious, wearing a suit and shouting into a phone about how buying and selling should happen. There need to be futures on beer, and it needs to be possible to go short on it. Maybe somebody will ring a bell loudly.
– copyright and the future thereof (or lack of a future thereof)
– places and traveling to them
– funding for research
– getting stuff fabricated for hardware prototypes
– Atlanta startup situations
souls and their relationships with mathematics
– Paraguay and its history
– Graham Keith Coleman
– the ATLHack IRC channel on freenode and how people on it don’t seem to be on the facebook community? is there a facebook community? I thought we had a googlegroup or something… but not a circle. Maybe there’s a circle? Maan, I don’t know. But I love all of you and I wish I got to see you more often and I kind of want to move back to Atlanta but atlhackers are worldwide now anyway <3

Packaging for Deployment Hack

February 6th, 2013 by Mark Luffel

New members, Omar and Emily:
– Omar works at Accelereyes with Chris McC (he’s a new hire)
– Does GPU programming
– Graduated Georgia State ’08
– worked at Inovalon, a nice place
– Tonight: Working on his .vimrc
– will upload to github
– Emily is just hanging out

– playing with maratis
– adding lua functions is easy
– their svn contains an iOS skeleton app
– has a scene editor, live reloading of lua scripts
– took an internet break this weekend, sketched out ideas for his game (in the “finger-racer” genre)

– packaging a Mac app (needs .dylib for OpenCV/Qt)
– Vinny wrote a blog post in the past about how to do this!
– app amplifies details at multiple levels using image pyramids (video demo)

– in his 4th year of the PhD program at Georgia Tech (his website)
– working on commercializing his multiple-browser-testing tool (in the TI:GER progam)

– (before atlhack) made a parametric model of the floor plan of a high rise tower (video of interaction)
– segmenting/fitting a (noisy) piecewise parabolic curve: