6 March 2007 – record turnout
Jason, Will, Mark (qaboomers)
Sonali, Tejus (structural fusioners)
Alex, Erik, and Graham
Since Last Week-
qaboom formed a team of some five developers.
structural fusion worked on legal documents and incorporation.
This Week’s Plans-
Graham- will get some ChucK code ready for jamming.
Mark- jamming with Graham, refactoring geometric primitives
Sonali- taking it easy, reading Agile Web Development with Rails
Tejus- trying to use the ruby mp3 decoding library
Alex- solving the facebook raptor movie seating problem.
Jason and Will- redesigning qaboom, brightening the face, adding classes view
Erik- looking up blog by subdomain. targeted towards web users.
Alex- simulated annealing, implemented local scoring rules.
Graham and Mark- first jam with triangles