classyHack (Athens) trial meeting

by graham
Athens Hack Trial Meeting – 8pm 9 August 2010 – Trappeze
names: classicHack? classyHack?
present: Kelly, Graham, Marilyn
Kelly wants to join because he wants to congregate with other free-time programmers.
Marilyn is founding this chapter.
Graham is here to participate in the pre-first trial meeting.
Bo is here! He came to hang out with us!
since last week:
Graham: installed cvx and l1_ls on his Matlab installation.
Kelly: not much.
Marilyn: downloaded something on BitTorrent. worked problem 1 on Project Euler in Python (she is the first marilyn).
this week’s plans:
Marilyn: make a basic webform for posting to her website without ssh. and do another project Euler problem.
Kelly: no laptop tonight. If he had a laptop he would fix the fade in/out until all resources loaded.
Graham: compare and verify cvx and l1_ls with a simple numerical example.
this week’s reality:
Kelly: drew an awesome graphed out Rip-em off Dan.
Graham: wrote solvers.m that produces equal results for l1-regularized non-negative least squares problems, and adds a few linear terms using CVX.
Marilyn: almost done with script, got the HTML, just have to finish the CGI perl.

Athens Hack Trial Meeting – 8pm 9 August 2010 – Trappeze

Marilyn (mmm) is starting a group in Athens! She hasn’t started to invite people yet, we just scoped out a possible venue, a downtown pub called Trappeze. (if you are in Athens and want to join, leave a comment or drop us a line!)

names: classicHack? classyHack? ASS? (Athens Segfault Society, contributed by Bo)

present: Kelly, Graham, Marilyn

Kelly (his site) wants to join because he wants to congregate with other free-time programmers.
Marilyn is founding this chapter.
Graham is here to participate in the pre-first trial meeting.
Bo is here! He came to hang out with us!

since last week:

Graham: installed cvx and l1_ls on his Matlab installation.
Kelly: not much.
Marilyn: downloaded something on BitTorrent. worked problem 1 on Project Euler in Python (she is the first marilyn).

this week’s plans:

Marilyn: make a basic webform for posting to her website without ssh. and do another project Euler problem.
Kelly: no laptop tonight. If he had a laptop he would fix the fade in/out until all resources loaded.
Graham: compare and verify cvx and l1_ls with a simple numerical example.

this week’s reality:

Graham: wrote solvers.m that produces equal results for l1-regularized non-negative least squares problems, and adds a few linear terms using CVX.
Marilyn: almost done with script, got the HTML, just have to finish the CGI perl.
Kelly: drew an awesome graphed out Rip-em off Dan.

southern_drawl(I have always depended upon the flexibility of data abstraction.”);

One Response to “classyHack (Athens) trial meeting”

  1. Alex Rudnick says:

    Go classyHack, go! Sounds like a good time in Athens these days 🙂

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