Mark’s Birthday Hack!
- realized security situation for serializing corkbird state is going to be complicated; have to deal with applet security
- error reporting now works; this is good, since there are a lot of errors
- processing sketches use the default Java package, but you can’t import the default package, apparently — figuring out what to do about that
- working on personal site (
- it aggregates twitter and delicious, now it can pull new entries in
- more code delving: figured out file format for new Twidor logs
- wants to rework his gross old Python code and update it so it works with new Twidor logs
- emailed out a bunch of questions to the group, concerned about training classifiers on keystrokes that have already been corrected
- Helped write an assignment for c311, answered a bunch of questions at office hours.
- tonight: working on homework for Computational Complexity