Hackfest 1001 Postmortem

by ynniv

–  Since Last Hackfest
    –  Luke
        –  found blurb about alpha Firefox UI feature, tabling his
              firefox project
        –  wrote simple CLI for jhymn  on Linux
        –  spent some time hacking a linux bootloader for palm treo
              (like GARUS)
    –  Matt
        –  Idea: chronological scale for google maps
    –  Graham
        –  Went to startup school
            –  Is going to write it about it tomorrow (says vinny, really on the weekend)
    –  Ben
        –  More autograding stuff – added something so that it can
              read in a request for a complete regrade of a test
        –  Made things nice and user friendly
    –  Vinny
        –  been playing with lisp/scheme, made cool drawings in
–  Today’s Plans
    –  Luke
        –  Website cleanup/maintenance
        –  play with Palm bootloader more
    –  Matt
        –  Haning out, might head home to work on PC
        –  Sketch user interfaces
    –  Graham
        –  Music editor is STARVING
            –  fixing "write with speedup"
    –  Ben
        –  Write something to let the TA run a specific method
    –  Vinny
        –  muck around with scheme/logo more
–  Today’s Realities
    –  Matt
        –  on vague timeline-animated-map-idea: babysteps, in the
              form of touching base on java(?) and GIS
        –  Also: brainstorming on a slick name, with approriately
              pretentious allusion
    –  Luke
        –  Got website things done.  TikiWIki updated.
        –  mail organizing and DHCP debugging via packet sniffing
    –  Graham
        –  Defeated the System.EngineExecutionException by
              reorganizing variables… marshalling issue?
            –  still buggy, tho
    –  Ben
        –  Reorganized some code
        –  read a lot of PhD Comics.com
    –  Vinny
        –  learned the shape of a nautilus shell
        –  wrote some scheme/logo to draw one

4 Responses to “Hackfest 1001 Postmortem”

  1. barik says:

    I worked on an article for Linux Journal on simulating the PIC microcontroller family on Linux; it is due November 1st so I’ll be working on it next week also. Next week, I’ll finish up the article and begin work on a second one for PHP Architect due November 17. Then I can get back to normal Eclipse development and AtlHack work.

  2. Stephen says:

    I’d never heard of this awesome strip.  Now is the perfect time for me to read it 🙂


  3. Graham says:

    The author, Jorge Cham, got his undergrad at Tech. I think he’s coming to visit us soon.

  4. Graham says:

    Those tech publications establish you as an expert in the field and should come in handy for job hunts, contract work, or grad school. Nicely done.

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