Senior Seminar / Final Quarter Chapter 3


Hello Everyone. My senior seminar presentation is on Wednesday of next week. Here is my current progress:

Senior Seminar:
    I have 16 slides in a power point presentation, and a written outline of what I want to talk about. This weekend I’m going to go home and put the finishing touches on the presentation by adding pictures, and maybe creating some example waveforms.
    While I still don’t feel like an expert on the Fourier Transform I feel like I have definitely learned something, and it will certainly be an informative talk to anyone who hasn’t learned anything about DSP or related topics. I am looking forward to it. I’m going to wear a tie.
    I have started writing the 10 page paper that is due at the end of the quarter. I wrote an introduction paragraph. I am excited to do my best on what is really my final project of my undergraduate career. Oh well, I shouldn’t celebrate yet. I will report on how the project went in a week.

    I’ve been keeping up with homework pretty well. I should start reading the stories more often, but other than that this class is going fine.

Real Analysis:
    I’m doing well in this class also. I started the homework on Thursday (it is due on Wednesday). I hope to finish it soon so that I don’t have to worry while I put the finishing touches on my presentation. This class is really interesting. We learned the definition of a limes superior, limes inferior, and open sets today.

Have a good weekend.

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