Hack Fest 100!

by ynniv

Come feed your caffeine addiction and chat with us!  Last week we saw the Atlanta Python meetup, maybe we will run into another group whilest we chatter over projects.  Hopefully Titus will be present and not detained by the Seattle Mafia



Zealots of every operating system!

3 Responses to “Hack Fest 100!”

  1. Graham says:

    Including GNU emacs.

  2. ynniv says:

    Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and emacs!  Maybe Squeak, too…  last night I found a project that is very similar to my ideas of P2P shared space.  Its called Croquet, and I’m surprised at the lack of Georgia Tech involvement.

  3. Graham says:

    Titus is watching the dog tonight, so he can’t make it in person, though he might be on aim.

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